Reunion Week 2024

Holiday in the past!

Mon, 01. Jul 2024 – Sun, 07. Jul 2024

We’re inviting all former students back to Bode! Whether you come by yourself, your family, or are able to organize a mini-reunion with others from your year, “Bode” is not the only thing you’ll have in common!

We want to gather for a time of remembering, reflecting, refreshment and rejoicing – back at the very place where you and so many others encountered Jesus. Although the extent and age-range of childcare is yet to be decided, spouses and children are also welcome! We look forward to seeing you… again!

The program will run in English for all past students. When you register, please indicate when you were a Bible School student at Bodenseehof.

Peter Reid

... has grown up in Minnesota, USA. He is part of Torchbearers for more than 30 years now and is the director of Bodenseehof since 2014. He is married to Gaby, they have two Children.

Stephen Volle

... has been at Bodenseehof for more than 20 years now, with his wife April and their two children. He is the principal of the Bible School.

Cameron Tate

...enjoys living at Bodenseehof since 2018. He loves spending time in God's creation and with His people. Cameron is married to Katherine, they have two daughters.

Supporting documents

A few spots still available in a ladies 10-bed-room or as a day guest.

Room ab 13 J. 7 - 12 J. 3 - 6 J. 0 - 2 J.
Ten-Bed Room (bunk beds, price for 6 people) 275 € 190 € 155 € 20 €
Four-Bed Room (bunk beds) 290 € 205 € 165 € 20 €
Double Room 330 € 235 € 190 € 20 €

Starting in January 2023 an overnight guest in Friedrichshafen will pay a guest tax.
The guest tax Friedrichshafen is not included in this price but will be paid to Bodenseehof. You will receive your ECHT BODENSEE CARD as soon as you check in at Bodenseehof. Use your guest card for free rides on busses and trains within the Bodensee Oberschwaben transport assiociation (bodo). For more information about the Echt Bodensee Card klick here Echt-Bodensee-Card.
For prices and information about the guest tax see our booking terms here

Holiday in the past!

Reunion Week 2024